Who will light a candle for the pogrom centennial memorial?
Felshtin Society members lost more than 600 ancestors in the pogroms in 1919. To observe the centennial yahrzeit next year, our group has pledged to light 600 candles. We urge all descendants of survivors to light candles on a day that is meaningful for them. We are also holding an event of remembrance in New York on April 14, 2019. Please join us in our effort to sustain the memories of all that was lost... Read more »
I will light a candle Register for Centennial Memorial Reunion Donate to FelshtinThe Felshtin Society is a 501(c)3 organization.
About Felshtin
Felshtin (pronounced fel-SHTEEN), was a small, rural Ukrainian town that contained a Jewish community, or shtetl. Felshtin was located 78 miles north-northeast of Chernovtsy and 186 miles west-southwest of Kiev, famous for its wooden synagogue. During a brutal pogrom on February 18, 1919, an estimated 600 Jewish Felshtiners were massacred—about a third of the total Jewish population. On Yom Kippur, 1941, Nazis exterminated most of Felshtin’s surviving Jewish population. Today the town is known as “Hvardiyske.” A few Felshtiners absent from the town during the holocaust returned after the war. Read More »
About the Felshtin Society
Felshtiners who came to the United States established the New York-based First Felshteener Podolier Benevolent Society, which was organized in 1905 and incorporated in January 1906. The society provided relief to survivors of the 1919 pogrom, helping them settle in the U.S., Israel, and Latin America. The society also created and published a Felshtin yizkor (memorial) book in 1937, sponsored social events, a memorial in Dimona, Israel, and maintained the Felshtin section of a Staten Island cemetery. By the late 1970s, many Felshtin-born Americans had passed away, and the Association grew increasingly inactive. Read More »