IN LEMBERG. Photo courtesy of Pamela Avraham.
FELSHTIN ZIONIST SOCIETY (organized in 1912). The
photograph was taken on Shminatseres (the eighth day of the
Sukkoth holiday) near Yoine Hertsoves’ booth.
by Hershl Oylshteyn (Harry Olstein) in
grandmother Rosen, David Leyb’s
Proskurov Massacre, February 1919
Ukraine map, 1882, from FEEFHS
SHIRLEY KELLENSON, FELSHTIN ORPHAN, (standing, with mother and sisters in Felshtin).
Sitting from right to left: Y. Baum, past president; Herman
Huberman, treasurer of the relief committee; Nathan Forman,
president; Dr. M. Hoffman, trustee; William Shenkman, treasurer of
the Society. Standing: Joseph Shneiderman, past president; Jack
Cooper, Chairman of the landmanshaften (society) – committee
counsel to the organization; Jack Hoffman, vice president; Usher
Reisis, financial secretary; Alex Dardik, past president.
SIMON PETLURA, one-time Holovni Ataman of the Ukrainian
National Republic, shown in uniform in 1919. (YIVO Tcherikover
Archive) Pogromchik, The Assassination of Simon Petlura, Saul S.
Friedman, Hart Publishing Company, Inc., New York, New York
10012, 1976.
ORPHANAGE in Monish’s apartment.
YESHAYEH, son of Khayim (Oksman) (left); TSVI,
son of Khayim (Oksman)
Chamber of the Holocaust Museum, Jerusalem.
Photo by Joel Olstein
“In Memory of the Martyrs of Felshtin community and the surroundings in the Ukraine that were murdered in the Petlura calamity, may their names (the rioters) be removed, in the year 5679, in the month of Adar, in the days of the pogrom, and the holocaust in the days of the Nazi occupation.
“May God avenge their blood.
“May their souls be bound in the bundle of life, memorialized by the people of Felshtin and the diaspora.”
photograph was lent to us by David Feldman.
THE HIGH SCHOOL IN GVARDEYSKOYE (formerly Felshtin), 1947.
FELSHTIN’S LAST JEW: Polina Lerner in Gvardeyskoye (formerly Felshtin)
in 1957.
FELSHTIN’S LAST JEWISH FAMILY: Mendel Shvartz and and his wife, Sura Modick, seated, far right. Polina is sitting on Mendel’s lap. Polina’s sister, Zoya, is standing behind Mendel and Sura. To the left of Mendel is Polina’s aunt, Chaika, with her four children, Effin, Sonya, Sergey, and Raisa. Photo 1949. They lived in Gvardeyskoye (formerly Felshtin) until 1970
THE FELSHTIN EMIGRANTS with the orphans in
Lemberg (Lvov, Lviv) with the delegate from America
Proskurov Orphan Home ‘A’: Children of the Holy Victims, Killed by the Wild Haidamaks,
During the Horrible, Terrible Slaughter in the City of Proskurov,
Province of Podol, on the Days of 15-16 First Adar in 5679
Hayim, Ya`aqov, Mintseh, Tuleh – children of Tsvi Haberman. Beyleh, Sarah, Tsvi, Freydeh – children of Shmuel Shpyalter. Velvel, Rivkah – children of Shlomo Yusem [= Yatom]. Zalman, Miryam – children of Abraham Kotlyar. Leah, Ephraim – children of Avraham Mordekhai Drozin. Malkah, daughter of Yits’haq Marainer. Rahel, Itta, Malkah, daughters of Lipman Shraga. Simha, son of Reb Leyb Melekh. Pearl, daughter of Simha Malyor. Feygeh daughter of Yisrael Vakherman. Feygeh, Hannah, daughters of Ya`aqov Boran. Benyamin, Yehudah, sons of David Volitsky. Yehudah, Shmuel, Velvel – sons of Alter Kharam [Haram]. Yisrael, Shmuel, Yoel – sons of Moshe Margoliouth. Hanokh son of Reb Shlomo Gem. Yisrael son of Reb Zaydeh Zinger. Dov son of Reb Tsvi Cohen. Moshe son of Reb Yits’haq Shpatsirman. Shprintseh, Tsharneh, daughters of Mendel Mitkivitser. Polly, Toybeh, daughters of Aharon Shvartsman. Moshe son of Reb Yisrael Aleksenitser. Rivkah, daughter of Yonah Tsvi Medved. Me’ir, Rahel, children of Naftali Tsvi Averbukh. Mindel, daughter of David Trakhtenberg. Miryam, daughter of Mekhel Tsures. Henni, Simha, Moshe, children of Akiva Bukhshteyn. Helkeh, daughter of Yisrael Zektser. Adio from the kindergarten. Dinah, daughter of Mordekhai Shliyakh. Krayneh, daughter of Leyb Kurier. Sarah, daughter of Nahman Pessitshinsky. Yosef, Zalman, Ze’ev, sons of Pinhas Rosenfeld. Ya`aqov son of Reb Yisrael Zitser.
A group around the mass grave in Proskurov. Above is seen the separate grave for the Bazilyer Rebbe.
KHEYKE AND ANNIE SHLUM, Shakhne Horovits’ daughters. Both were killed – the older on the day after her engagement contract was made and she was buried in her wedding dress.
YOINE HERTSOVES (Forman) with his wife, Yokheved, and their daughter Leah. They perished in the pogrom.
Ruins of an old Jewish home in Gvardeskoye. Thanks to Piotr Główka for the use of this photo. More images of modern Gvardeyskoye here and here.
MIKHEYLYE GOLDMAN, DAUGHTER OF SIMKHE. She was dragged down from the attic with her five small children. The children were put on lances (bayonets?) and raised in the presence of their mother until their souls departed. They (the pogromists) attacked the mother and then ran a lance through her mouth..
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
Map of Felshtin in the clouds
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
Image from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
FINA FELDMAN’S FAMILY: Photo taken in Felshtin in the
early 1930s. Fina sits on the floor, left. Photo courtesy of Fina
Feldman and Barbara Fischkin.
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.
Hershl Oylshteyn (Harry Olstein) in 1905
Jewish cemetery in Gvardeyskoye. Thanks to Piotr Główka for the use of this photo. More images of modern Gvardeyskoye here and here.
1919., From Pogromchik, The Assassination of Simon
Petlura, Saul S. Friedman, Hart Publishing Company, Inc.,
New York, New York 10012, 1976
MORDECAI BOIM (BAUM), YOZEF’S SON. He was stabbed through the cheeks in the pogrom. They had to cut off his beard in the hospital. He kept the beard in a religious book. On the way to America, he and his youngest son waited in Poland for eight months for a visa from America. When he received the visa, he became sick and died in Volomin, Poland. Between his old books that the youngster brought with him, I found a book tied with string. I untied the book with trembling hands and found the shorn beard in the book. Yione Boym (Jonas Baum, Editor)
stabbed through the cheeks
in the pogrom. They had to
cut off his beard in the
hospital. He kept the beard
in a religious book. On the
way to America, he and his
youngest son waited in
Poland for eight months for a
visa from America. When he
received the visa, he became
sick and died in Volomin,
Poland. Between his old
books that the youngster
brought with him, I found a
book tied with string. I
untied the book with
trembling hands and found
the shorn beard in the book.
Yione Boym (Jonas Baum,
Images from the Felshtin Yizkor Book
Felshtin zamlbukh:tsum ondenk fun di felshtiner kdoyshim, J. Baum, Editor
(New York: First Felshteener Benevolent Association, 1937), Notte Kozlovsky, illustrator.