Lists of Pogrom Victims and Orphans

The following, in alphabetical order, are names of some of the victims of the Felshtin pogroms of 1919 and persons orphaned by the pogroms. These lists are from Felshteen; zamulbukh lekoved tsum ondenk fun di Felshteener kdoyshim Felshteen; in memory of all those who were killed in the Pogroms of Felshteen in the year 1919), Posy-Shoulson Press, New York, 1937. They were translated by Sora Ludmir for the Felshtin Society. Despite the dilligent efforts of the yizkor book editors, this is not a comprehensive list. 


Itzik Avrohom (Eliyahu’s son) and his wife

Pinya Baizer and his son, Mottel Avrohom Yosef Barg’s two sons Yaakov Barnbaum, son of Efraim, Sorke’s son Yanku, 40.

Hettie Barnbaum, daughter of Moshe

Yanku’s wife, she called out to a Petlura soldier to come and kill her, 35.

Mordechai Barnbaum, son of Yaakov, all the Barnbaums were stabbed on the hill behind their house, 10.

Hertz Barnbaum Itzik Dovid Barzach

Yehoshua Barzach and his wife Sholom and Moshe Bekker

Chaya Sora Huberman’s Grandson Meir Ber (Avrohom’s son)

Berel Berman, the tailor, 46.

Rivka Berman, his wife, 45.

Chaika Berman, daughter of Berel, 20. Pearl Berman, daughter of Berman, 18. Simcha Berstein and his son, Shloimah Moshe Avrohom Binyaman (son of Aaron the sexton) and his brother-in-law Zusia Zalman Blecher and his wife and children Zalmon  Blever’s  (Blecher’s?)  son, wounded in the first pogrom and killed in the second pogrom

Menashe Bloch’s wife and four children Rochel Bloch and her son

Leizer Bonder’s son

Koine Braver, son of Isaiah, pulled out of someone else’s house and killed, 26. David Braver, Anschel’s son, 2.

Avrohom Elyu Brenman, son of Velvel and his mother, 28.

Avrohom Brenman, son of Mordechai Avrohom Zjushkivtzer, President of Community Council, 62.

Golda Brenman, wife of Abraham, 60. Nachman Brenman, son of Avrohom, 23. Gitel Brenman, daughter of Avrohom, 18. Isaac     Genedels-Brenman

The Cantor of Felshtin  Noson Chosid and his wife Avrohom Itzy Cohen’s family

Feiga Cohen (Eli Chaim Herschel’s daughter)

Bairach Cooper, son of David, killed near the Polish cemetery, 60.

Dedalya’s son Yankel and his wife Herschel Duchovney

Shloimah Einkoifer’s wife

Akira Elefant, his wife, and his wife’s brothers and sisters



Schachne Fireman’s wife and five children Moshe Fleisher, Avrohom’s son and Necha’s son, stabbed to death, 40.

Avrohom Fleischer, (Shloima Yosef Isaac’s son) Chaika Fleisher, Avrohom and Necha’s daughter, stabbed to death, 38.

Chaim Fleischer, son of Wolf, Fradel Zeigerman’s son-in-law, was shot on June 6, 32. Avrohom Fleischer, Shloima Yosef Isaac’s son Ezra Fleischer, Shloima Yosef Isaac’s wife. Efraim Chaim (Fruma’s) Forman (Sora Ita’s, Friedel’s husband)

Gitye (Gentzi’s) and her daughter Froim Forman

Shmuel (Gentzi’s son), his wife and daughter

Yona Herzovis (Forman), his wife, Yocheved, and daugher, Leah

Baila Gerschgorn, Michel’s daughter, 50. Avrohom Elyu Gerschgorn, Orin’s son, 19. Yechiel Gerschgorn, Orin’s son, stabbed in someone else’s house; Baila and her son Yechiel managed to run into the street where they both collapsed dead, one falling on top of the other. Mendel Gerschgorn, Aba’s son, Yechiel Rofeh’s son-in-law, 31.

Mindi Gerschgorn, Yechiel’s daughter, 26. Chaika Gerschgorn, Mendel’s daughter, 6. Rosa Gerschgorn, Aba’s daughter, Mendel’s sister, killed in the field on June 6 (1919), 20. Shmuel Ber Glantzov’s (Gitza’s son) wife Yechiel  Berish (Esther Chaya’s)

Chaya Golda and her daughter Pinchas Goldman, son of Hirsch, 48. Rivka Goldman, daughter of Leib, 45.

Susia Goldman, Hirsch’s (Son of Shmuel) wife Tuva Goldman, son of Pinchas, all shot near bathhouse, 18.

Chaim Greenbaum (Chana Slova’s) Hertz Greenbaum, shoemaker Avrohom Guttman, shoemaker Shimon Hantman

Yosel Hantman

Akiva Helfand and his wife, Chata Riva, their three sons and a daughter

Michel Hersch (Itzik Hersch’s son)

Esther Herschel (Eli Chaim Herschel’s wife) and daughter Feiga Herschel

Zalman Herchel’s wife and child Avrohom’s (Chaim Herschel’s son) wife Moshe Chaim Herscheles (Steinberg)

Velvel Hochman’s (Feivish’s son) wife Moshe Press Hoizgezund (Lemeshke’s son) Sholom Horowitz’s (Schachne’s son) three daughters

Shimon Horowitz’s (Hirsch Leib’s son) wife Chaya Sora Huberman, Wolf’s daughter, Avrohom Moshele’s wife, stabbed at home with a bayonet, 62.

Shloima Mechel Huberman, son of Moshe Golda’s husband, 55.

Buzzy Huberman (Shmuel Zelig’s daughter) Noson Jungreis (Aaron Bedonis’ grandchild) Sheva Kagan, daughter of Yitzchok, wife of Shlomo the teller, who lived by Leibish Shabsis, 44.

Yaakov Kagan, son of Shlomo, stabbed at home with a bayonet, 15.

Herschel Kapilopwitz, the Rebbe Moshe’s future son-in-law who came from Kamenetz, 23. Chaim Getzi Kaplan, son of Alter, Monday night he was choked and then thrown into a cellar, 65. Alter Schneider Karshenbaum, his daughter, who was Shloima’s wife, and two children.

Itzik Karshenbaum (Alter Schneider’s) and the family

Isaac Katz and two sons, Dovid Leib and Moshe Yoel (Moshe Yoel was killed in Grading) Schloima Leib Katz (Yisroel Hirsch’s son), his wife and two sons

Sholom Katzav, his wife and five children Shlomo Yosef Isaac’s Katzav (butcher) and his wife

Itzik Yosel Kellenson

Yosel Shmuel Isaacs Kerdman and his wife and two children

Pinney Kerdman (Lozer’s) and his wife, Baila Itamar Kichovitzky

Noach Kirschenbaum’s son-in-law Zelig Pigrishes Kirschner Avrohom Kirschner and his wife

Shloima Michel Kirschner’s son, Nachum Meir Kirschner

Ita Krishtal

Itzik Leib Kirschner (Yarid’s son-in-law) and family

Zusia Kitai (Habers)

Yosef Kitover, Rabbi Yisroel Kitover’s son, he was paralyzed, 65.

Avrohom Kitover, Yosef’s son, 23.

Rabbi Mordechai Kitover’s wife and six children, her father, and her son-in-law, the Solopkivotzer Rabbi, all burned in a fire

Moshe Klares, a broker for landlords and priests Henoch Binem Kleiner’s wife, Chaya Liba, and her nephew, Berel

Dovid Kliban Chaim Kliban

Dovrish Klug (Bairach Cooper’s Daughter)

Noson Koritner (Berel’s son)

Matel Korn, Moshe’s wife and Zlata’s daughter, 40.

Sasya Korn, Nachman’s second wife, 35. Pessie Korn, Matel’s daugher, two months. All three were hiding in a lime pit, a peasant spotted them, and they were all shot. Yaakov Kornblit, son of Eliezer, 70.

Elyu Moshe Kornblit, son of Yaakov, stabbed near the synagogue, lived for a day, 36. Yechiel Kornblit, son of Yaakov, 42.

Miriam Kornblit, Meshulem’s daughter, 36. Chantzi Kornblit, daughter of Yechiel, 18. Tzipa Kornblit, daughter of Yechiel, 15. Rochel Kornblit, daughter of Yechiel, 8. Yehuda Yitzchok Kornblit, Yechiel’s son, 2 weeks.

Meshulem Kovler and his wife Pesach Krishtal (Binyaman’s son)

Zusia Krishtal, son of Pesach, his wife, and their five children

Avrohom Leib Krishtal (son of Binyamin) and his wife

Fridel Kum, famous for his quips and quotes, his wife and their grandchild, a tiny baby

Herschel Kum, Fridel’s son, his wife and child (his child became frozen while crying) Avrohom Lazer (Leib’s son)

Naftali Lazer (Leib’s), his wife and four children

Muttel (Yaakov Leib’s son)

Baba (Dovid Leib’s daughter), Rosen and her son, Leib

Moshe Lekman, son of Mechel, 65.

Zalman and Ita Lerner and son, Yechezkel and daugher, Sima

Itamar Lichovitzky

Yosel Maddick’s wife Shaindel and their five children

Dr. Y.A. Masur from Odessa, stabbed to death, 36.

Yisroel Avrohom Melamed (previously Yayetchnik)

Moshe Melamed (Shtempel), his wife, his son Yechiel and his wife and child

Yosef Melech, son of Yaakov, Ezra Cohen’s son- in-law, 45.

Tuva Melech, son of Ezra, 40.  Nunye Melech, son of Yosef, 22. Chana Melech, daughter of Yosef, 11 Roise Melech, daughter of Yosef, 9 (The Melechs were all shot in the house where a grenade was then thrown in.)

Rochel (Chaim Mendele’s daughter) and her family

Shlomo Mindlen, son of Yaakov Zusia, 49. Meshulem Mordechai (Yoel’s), blacksmith Chaim Moshe (Avrohom Aaron’s son) (sexton), his wife and child


Nechama’s son Asher and his wife  Rabbi Novoseller’s wife and two daughters. Yosef Ofeh (Chana’s)

Tova Baila Orband (Eni’s) and a grandchild Shaika Oxsman (Sora Yankel’s son) and his brother

Herschel Leib Pollack’s wife, Miriam Dvorah, and their son, Moshe

Brocha (Alter Polick’s daugher) (She was a mute.)

Yekel Portegal, Leib’s son, stabbed at home with a bayonet, 68.

Ita Portegal, Avrohom’s daughter, stabbed at home with a bayonet, 65.

Rivka Portegal, Yekel’s daughter, stabbed at home with a bayonet, 40.

Asna Portegal, Yekel’s daughter, stabbed at home with a bayonet, 34.

Nuta Postivess and his wife

Susia Principalke and her daughter Mendel Rabin and his wife

Yosef Raver and his wife, Hennie Gittel Rachmilevitch (Leib Polick’s

daughter), Shaya Aaron’s (Nuta’s son) wife, and her two children

Polick Raver’s (Schochet’s) wife Yosel Rizshulinetzer and his wife

Mendel Moshe Ritzshilnitzer and his wife Zeev Rochman and wife

Zusia Roiz, son of Moshe, shot on the frozen river, 34.

Yosef Roizman, son of Gershon and Hhusband of Chaytshe (son-in-law of Moshe Yaakov) was caught running away and hacked with a sword, 46.

Chaytshe Roizman, Moshe Yaakov’s daughter, raped and killed in the street, 40.

Sora Roizman, Yosef’s daughter, raped and killed in the street, 15.

Menucha Roizman, Yosef’s daughter, raped and killed in the street, 13.

Bina Roizman, Alter’s daughter, stabbed in the street with a sword, 65.

Rochel (Shloima Rovo’s) and her son Zaida Rusia’s wife

Yechiel Saltzman, Bina Roizman’s son-in-law, lived with Moshe Braver, stabbed at home, 35. Yisroel Saltzman, Yechiel’s son, stabbed at home, 8.

Danya Saltzman, Yechiel’s daughter, stabbed at home, 1.

Mr. Scheinberg, father of Mika, Toby, and Chaya

Yaakov Leib Schneider, his wife and two children

Noson Schochet, son of Moshe, Abrohom Kirschner’s son-in-law, 38.

Gitel Schochet, son of Avrohom, 33. Moshe Schochet, son of Noson, 6. Yosel Schochet (Raber) and his wife

Yechiel Schochet (Wasserman) and a son, Velvel

Leib Schuster’s son

Lebenyu Schuster’s daughter, a mute. Yaakov Segal’s (Yossi’s son) wife Sora Ita Mutti Segal, son of Aaron Shmuel, 23.

Meir Segal, Chaim Sholom’s son

Yosel Segal’s son

Chaim Shemesh, his wife and son Moshe Yehuda Ber Shenkman (sexton in the learning hall) and their two children Shlomo and Zlata. Yosel Segal’s son

Ephraim Shpantz (died of a heart attack after the first pogrom)

Reuven Sostchin, son of Chaim, killed and thrown into a cellar, 55.

Tzipa Sostchin, Reuven’s wife, 53.

Avrohom Sostchin, son of Reuven, killed with a gun in the street, 28.

Chaim Sostchin, son of Reuven, 18.

Tuva Sostchin, son of Reuven, both stabbed with knives at home, 15.

Yenta Sostchin and her  daughter,  Chaya Yoel Sostchin with a child in his arms Machliye Shpert, Simcha Goldman’s daughter and five children

Asher Shuylsinger from Galicia, a teacher in Kolterlige School, 32.

Feige Shulsinger, from Galicia, first raped and then mutilated, the calf of her leg was cut, 30. Chana Shmurak, daughter of Efraim and Sorke Barnbaum, 40.

Gitel Shmurak, daughter of Isaac, stabbed with a bayonet, 10.

Ber Leib Shmurak, son of Avrohom, stabbed on the stoop of his brother-in-law’s house, 23.

Shloima Shmurak, Ber Leib’s son.

Yankel Mannes Steinshleger

Tsiril Steinshlager (Wolf Eli’s daughter) Zisia Sternick and his wife, Fruma Moishe Stolyer and his wife

Shmuel Yeshaya Sviner, Avrohom’s son, Asstant Chairman of the Community Council, Chairman of the Zion Organization, stabbed with a bayonet, 36.

Shifra Sviner, Orin’s daughter and Shmuel’s wife, butchered like an animal, 27.

Velvele Swindler (Chana Manny’s) Paisa Tchibaner and his family of eight Mutti Tut

Avrohom Chaim Tzinis, Bassie Wolf’s son-in- law, stabbed while lying ill in bed, 37.

Chaim the Water Bearer (Vasserfirer) and his wife and four children

Gershon Vatenmacher and his son and his grandson Yosef’s family

Menachem Verboch’s wife Betty

Yaakov Voghalt, son of Moshe, their grandson from Kupin, stabbed with a bayonet, 15.  Moshe Chaim Weintraub and his wife, Rivtzy (Rivka)

Mally Weintraub, Chaim’s daughter, stabbed with a bayonet, 38.

Michel Weintrab and family

Mendel Weitraub (Mechel Meir Mendel’s son) Rochel Weintraub, Moshe’s daughter, 5.  Chaim Weintraub, Moshe’s son, stabbed, 1 1/2. Avrohom Itzis Yasel (Bella’s), his wife and two children

Mordechai Yosef’s wife (Baum)

Yosel the Redhead’s son, Chaim

Dvorah Velvel Zafrin and a 10-day-old child Fradel Zeigerman, daughter of Pinchas, Aharantzi Itzy Bidanis’ wife, 65.

Yerachmiel Zeigerman and his wife and daughter

Herschel  Zeigerman (Yerachmiel’s son) Susi Zilberg, Yisroel Schneider’s daughter, stabbed naked in the street, 22.

Gedal Yahu Zilberman, son of Zalman Yaakov, found sitting up with a quart of water in his hands; killed in his house, 67.

Sora Riva Zilberman, daughter of Isaiah, killed at home, 65.

Manele Zilberman

Simcha Zussman from Galicia, Yekel Portegal’s son-in-law, shot in a peasant’s garden, 30. Yosel Zweig (Shmuel Chaim’s son)

A girl from Satanov and 10 other strangers

The following, in alphabetical order, are names of Felshtin orphans who went to

Lemberg (now Lvov). Most lost their parents in the pogroms of 1919. This list is from Felshteen; zamulbukh lekoved tsum ondenk fun di Felshteener kdoyshim Felshteen; in memory of all those who were killed in the Pogroms of Felshteen in the year 1919), Posy- Shoulson Press, New York, 1937. Translated by Sora Ludmir for the Felshtin Society.


Moshe Barnbaum, 7

Velvel Bernstein, 6

Yechiel Bernstein, 9

Mendel Dubocher, 13

Moni Dubocher, 12

Naftali Dubocher, 9

Dovid Dubocher, 7

Dvosi Elefant, 17


Toiba Forman, 12

Guni Forman, 12

Tzipa Forman, 8

Yosef Forman, 5

Yosef Gendlier, 11

Leah Gershgorn, 4

Shifra Goldman, 11

Mani Greenbaum, 17

Isaiah Gurtman, 14

Mani Gurtman, 10

Yosef Karschenbaum, 11

Shmuel Katz, 14 (his brother, Mayer, and his sister, Feiga, remained in Felshtin)

Michel Katz, 14   Itzik Yosel Kellenson Zelda Kellenson, 13

Gelly Kellenson, 11

Leib Kellenson, 6

Sheva Kellenson, 10

Shprintze Kellenson, 6

Golda Kellenson, 3

Eliezer Kligman, 15

Chava Kligman, 12

Gitel Kligman, 10

Ita Kornblit, 5

Ita Kovler, 16

Yenta Kristal, 16

Freida Kristal, 14

Moshe Kristal, 12

Kreina Kristal, 14

Yehuda Kristal, 12

Moshe Kum, 4

Elozor Laber, 16

Chaim Laber, 12

Shmuel Laber, 10

Esther Leibowitz, 16

Rivka Lerner, 23

Dvosi Lerner, 16

Golda Lerner, 15

Sora Lichavetsky, 14

Mendel Milstein, 13

Chana Milstein, 15

Ida Modick, 10

Zisel Modick, 12


Breina Pomerantz, 11

Many Pomerantz, 23

Baila Raber, 15

Yitzchok Raber, 10

Chaika Raber, 14

Sosi Rabin, 10

Baila Rabin, 8

Eti Rabin, 6

Mika Scheinberg, 16

Toby Scheinberg, 15

Chaya Scheinberg, 12

Esther Shapiro, 16

Yaakov Shapiro, 15

Leibish Shapiro, 10

Moshe Shmuran, 16

Avrohom Shmuran, 15

Ita Sostchin, 15, lost a hand and was crippled

Batya Sostchin, 8

Zisia Shpantz, 10

Mayer Shpantz, 15

Breina Tut, 9

Herschel Tut, 7

Yitchok Tzines, 19

Chaim Tzines, 9

Sora Tzines, 7

Avrohom Tzines, 2

Yitzchok Wasserman, 14

Sora Wechsler, 6

Mika Weintraub, 16

Chava Weintraub, 9

Velvel Weintraub, 7

Moshe Chaim Zilberman, 15 Brocho Zilberman, 10

Charne Zilberman, 10

Elka Zilberman, 6

Shaindel Zilberman, 4

Noah Zilberman, 7