Oral History Project

November 19, 2015, Oral History Project, Alan Bernstein

The Felshtin Society began its Oral History Project in October, 2015 in order to better understand how the the events surrounding the pogrom of 1919 may have impacted successive generations. Each video is a first generation’s recollection of the development of their family and how they faced the challenges of acculturation in a new place. The Society’s plan is to study the histories and present significant findings at our centennial memorial to be held in New York, April, 2019.

Category Archives: Felshtin

About the Felshtin Society

Felshtiners who came to the United States established the New York-based First Felshteener Podolier Benevolent Society, which was organized in 1905 and incorporated in January 1906. The society provided relief to survivors of the 1919 pogrom, helping them settle in the U.S., Israel, and Latin America. The society also created and published a Felshtin yizkor (memorial) book in 1937, sponsored social events, a memorial in Dimona, Israel, and maintained the Felshtin section of a Staten Island cemetery. By the late 1970s, many Felshtin-born Americans had passed away, and the Association grew increasingly inactive. Read More »
Alan Bernstein,

Sidney Shaievitz,